Thursday, January 7, 2010

About Conservatives

Conservatives are by definition unable to create an original thought. They are sheep, running after whoever speaks in one-liners and say "terror" or "tax cuts" often enough.

They don't fact-check, they don't scrutinize. Whatever they hear from their leaders goes from their ears directly to their mouth, no brain-detour. The sheep repeat what they are told by their leaders, even when it is an obvious lie!

Lies often sound better: "We are fiscally conservative." Much better than the truth: "Bush wasted all your tax money and has nothing to show for!" or: "Bush kept us safe!" better than the truth: "Bush let the attack on 9/11 happen, even though they had proper warning!"

Since there are not enough rich people to vote for Republicans they round up the sheep who are fantasizing about getting rich.

"Trickle-down economy" makes sense, when you are a sheep. We all know now that what we got were droplets of BS

.CONs are not conservative when it comes to the environment, suddenly they become progressive polluters and wasters. Why?

Because they are told .........

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Don't be afraid of Socialism

First, we already have Socialism in this country: Public Schools, Medicaid, Medicare etc. But some people don't realize it. They are against socialized health care, except when it is for grandma, or they are against "big government" except when they lose their job and are able to collect money from the government.

Most European countries are Social Democracies, like Denmark for example. It is the most socialized country with the highest living standard and last year a poll showed that they are the "happiest people on earth".

Is it because they don't have to worry who pays for the next doctor's visits, or they can't loose their job from one day to the next? People in Europe get a fair warning (4-6 weeks) before they have to leave their job. Or is it because they have at least 4 weeks of paid vacation per year?

I wonder about the American dream - what exactly is the dream? To get rich?

Instead people loose their house and health care when they loose their job.

I don't know about you, but I rather have more rights than a dream!!

There was a woman on TV and she said that she is against "government intrusion" meaning health care for everybody, because she can do it herself. Really? A crisis is always just around the corner and when the crisis comes in form of a disease or the loss of a good job, then suddenly she is not able to do it herself.

The only ones that should be afraid of Socialism are the corporations and it is them (with the help of the Republicans and some Democrats - Max Baucus) who scares the simple minded into believing that Socialism will turn America into the Soviet Union or Cuba.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Who is to blame?

Discussing the US health care system with my Republican friends is like (quoting Barney Frank) arguing with a dining room table. Oblivious to the fact that the United States comes in # 37 according to the World Health Organization, one of those friends praised the capitalistic system when it comes to our health care. Considering she gets her "news" from Rush Limbaugh and FOX we have to excuse her ignorance - or do we?

Her enthusiastic endorsement of capitalism made my stomach turn knowing that people have died while being objected to the greed of insurance companies.

Michael Moore had been vilified by many Republicans but most publicly by John McCain. That might be the reason why people on the right did not watch his movie SICKO, where they would have found out about the fight and suffering of people who actually had insurance and became sick.

Are these people dismissing the plight of sick people because they don't care or because they don't believe their stories? Is it a lack of compassion or imagination? My guess is, it is both. But it comes with the territory of being human that tragedy could easily and anytime happen to them personally or to somebody they love.

So who is to blame for the state of our health care? The Republicans in power who obviously have a financial stake in the current system? Or their constituents who still believe that they have been served well by the right even after years of proven incompetence (think: Katrina), lies (think: the Iraq war) and wasting our taxes (check: deficit) and still support and vote for them?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

You have the right to say anything you want ....

How useful is your right to free speech?

Listening to the well organized but ignorant crowd in some town hall meetings I could hear people compare our President to Hitler, furthermore people are allowed to spread blatant lies like the one about "death panels". It is their right and they take advantage of it.

But when you get sick, private insurance companies can deny you payment for treatments. Think about it, you have the right to say the most outrageous things but absolutely no right to get treated when you get sick wether you are insured or not!

Imagine, you have the right to say anything you want, you just don't have the right for a life saving medical treatment - not even when you are insured!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Insurance companies are the problem

For a long time it is clear to me, what the biggest problem in our health care system is. It is the power health insurance companies have. The law is obviously on their side, we the "consumers" are not treated fairly. Who created these laws that allow the insurance industry to take advantage of sick people? Why is it so difficult to change this injustice? Why is even President Obama careful not to step on their toes?

In other countries, like France or Germany private insurances are providing coverage alongside government programs but they are heavily regulated. They would not be allowed for example to revoke a persons coverage because they got sick, which to me is absolutely absurd, wrong, unfair and plain evil.

I wonder how people who work for these companies sleep at night after they denied a very sick person the help they deserve after paying the premium every month.

How can anybody feel safein this country?

the lie about "death panels"

Republican Tim Price was asked by John King of CNN if the lies about the "death panels" will eventually hurt their cause. That question was answered by Tim Price with another lie: the bill mandates, dictates a conversation between doctor and patient about end of life care every five years.


see for yourself: page 425

Saturday, August 15, 2009